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  • 9/25/2023 to include Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #24 - Available to Digital subs 11/7/2023
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Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #30 - War in the Mediterranean
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #30 - War in the Mediterranean
Price: $19.99

War in the Mediterranean: The WWII war in the Middle Sea was a significantly neglected topic, with the naval war primarily focused on supply, with the British aiming supplies at the island of Malta to keep it protected and the Italo-Germans supplying men and material to North Africa. The complexion of the war changed many times due to fortunes of war and strategic decisions by the belligerents. more info
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #31 - Rosecrans versus Bragg
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #31 - Rosecrans versus Bragg
Price: $19.99

Rosecrans verses Bragg: Stones River to Chickamauga. The American Civil War in late 1862 through September 1863 generally focused on Grant’s battle to take Vicksburg and the Mississippi and Lee’s invasion of the North that culminated at Gettysburg. A third large Union Army, though was active in the middle of the country, where Union General William Rosecrans fought Confederate General Braxton Bragg through Tennessee and Northern Georgia. The campaign started with the battle of Stones River (Murfreesboro, TN) through the Tulahoma advance and culminated in the massive battle of Chickamauga. The quarterly will take detailed looks at the forces deployed and their internal issues as well as the battles they fought. more info
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #32 - October War 1973
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #32 - October War 1973
Price: $19.99

October War: Big Battles in the Middle East. Some of the biggest tank battles of the 20th century occurred during the 1973 October War, where an Egyptian-Syrian alliance took on the Israelis. The Arab forces performed much better than they did in the previous 1967 war, and the STQ will look at the reasons why. It also will look at how the Israelis adopted new tactics to deal with the threats on the Sinai and Golan fronts. There are a number of lessons from the war, including the impact of precision guided weaponry and electronic warfare—all of which would influence the development of US AirLand Battle doctrine. There is also the bigger picture, with the 1973 seen as part of the wider Cold War. Special topics will include the US airlift of arms to Israel, and the possibility of the October War leading to a superpower confrontation. more info
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #33 - Armies of the Dark Ages
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #33 - Armies of the Dark Ages
Price: $19.99

Arthur: Warfare at the Dawn of the Dark Ages. An in-depth examination of warfare in the twilight era of the Roman Empire and beginning of the Dark Ages (roughly, AD 476 to 732), centering around the legendary King Arthur who may have been a British warlord. The central theme will be the relative efficiency of the warlord armies of this era as the older Roman professional system fell apart in the wake of the barbarian invasions. There will be an analysis of the weapons and tactics of the era, as well as the rise of great military leaders. Great battles will be included: Badon Hill (Britons against the Saxons), Nechtansmere (Anglo-Saxons against the Picts which decided the fate of what would become Scotland), and Tours (Charles Martel against the Arabs). A contrast will be made with the contemporary Byzantine military system and professional generals such as Belisarius. Also covered will be the various Arthurian legends and how they influenced warfare from the Middle Ages to the modern day. more info
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #34 - Sealion: Lost Opportunity or Disaster Averted
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #34 - Sealion: Lost Opportunity or Disaster Averted
Price: $19.99

Sealion: Lost Opportunity or Disaster Averted? Hitler's Germany had achieved an unimaginably rapid victory over France in the spring of 1940 to gain complete domination of western Europe. Britain alone held out, secure—or so it seemed—behind the moat of the English Channel. German planners had already made preliminary studies for an invasion of the island, but these were more in the nature of contingency plans than serious operational proposals. That changed in July when Hitler called for an invasion—Operation Sealion—to be carried out that fall. This issue will examine the inception, planning, preparations, and likelihood of success. The invasion will also be placed in the larger context of the war, to include the possibility the invasion was a bluff, either to push Britain to the negotiating table or distract the Soviet Union, plus proposed alternatives for defeating Britain such as the aero-naval blockade of Britain and Grand Admiral Raeder's Mediterranean strategy. more info
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #35 - Frederick the Great
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #35 - Frederick the Great
Price: $19.99

Frederick the Great. The campaigns of King Frederick II were more than the zenith of 18th century warfare, they were a watershed in the history of Europe. They inaugurated a new pattern of military thinking—of total war for limited objectives—that would endure until 1916. The issue would, on a chronological basis, describe Frederick's military operations and battles of the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) and the Seven Years War (1756-63). By the King's death in 1786 Prussia had doubled its size and was overtaking Austria for leadership of the German speaking lands of Central Europe. The issue would include the military operations of Frederick during the period covered as well as, briefly, the King's political and diplomatic motivations. Sidebars would provide portraits of the major military leaders of the contending powers in the conflicts, and the composition of the major armies (Prussia, Austria, Russia, France, England) which fought, along with tactics and weapons will be presented. more info
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #36 - Post Next War
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #36 - Post Next War
Price: $19.99

Post Next War China. This will be an intensive analysis of a possible near future big war in the Far East involving the People’s Republic of China, the United States, India, Japan, their allies and possibly Russia. Topics to be included will be each power’s armed forces, global supply chains, cyberwar, hybrid operations, and the wider geopolitics of fighting campaigns across the Indo-Pacific oceans and heartland of Eurasia. A qualitative evaluation will be made between comparative naval forces, pitting Chinese numbers against two centuries of American naval experience. As well, the rise of Russian-Chinese led military-economic alliances such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Eurasian Union will be examined for its impact on grand strategy. more info