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Strategy & Tactics Issue #347 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #347 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

Operation Holland: Alternate Battles of the Bulge is a two-player alternative history wargame intended to investigate the operational parameters that would have been in place during the first eight days of fighting across northern Belgium and southeast Netherlands had Hitler decided to launch his massive counteroffensive toward Antwerp from there instead of the Ardennes. Such a German effort, would have caused a three-to-four-month delay in the timeline of the Anglo-American advance into Germany. In turn, that would have allowed Hitler to concentrate greater forces in Poland to seriously slow or defeat the Soviet offensive there in January, causing a similar delay in the Red Army’s seizure of Berlin.

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Strategy & Tactics Issue #346 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #346 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

Andrew Jackson’s Battles is a two-player simulation of battles on the American frontier during the early 19th century, concentrating on the two major actions (Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans) in which Andrew Jackson participated. While these battles involved small armies for the era, they proved decisive in shaping the future of the United States. Each game has its own map, special rules and counters representing the military formations. The rules model the effects of weapons and tactics, and include combat, leadership, and morale.

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Strategy & Tactics Issue #345 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #345 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

Tanks of August: Georgia 2008 is a two-player game of the conflict in Georgia and the two separatist entities of South Ossetia and Abkhazia during mid-August 2008. The Russian player is attempting to destabilize Georgia, destroy infrastructure and her armed forces, and render it unable to join NATO, thus leaving it as a “buffer zone,” as would happen in Ukraine during the next decade. By consolidating the separatist entities of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Georgia would face a dilemma: recognize the independence of the two breakaway regions and try to join NATO or remain a “frozen conflict” and therefore unable to join NATO or the European Union in the foreseeable future. more info
Strategy & Tactics Issue #344 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #344 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

The Great Turkish War is a low- to intermediate-complexity, two-player, strategic-level wargame simulating the fight for the Balkans and the Eastern reaches of the Holy Roman Empire in the late 17th century. In 1683, the Ottomans launched their last major offensive on Vienna. The siege failed thanks to the timely arrival of reinforcements from Poland and the Empire. During the next decades the Holy Roman Empire, Russia, Poland, and Venice engaged the still-powerful Ottomans in the Balkans and in the Aegean. more info
Strategy & Tactics Issue #343 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #343 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

Operation Albion: Germany versus Russia in the Baltic, 1917-1918 is a two-player operational wargame of the campaign in the Baltic, 1917-18, in which the Germans captured the city of Riga and took critical islands in an amphibious operation. Operation Albion in part led to the collapse of the Russian Provisional Government and brought the final German victory in the East. The campaign was one of the few joint land-naval-air operations of World War I. The game includes the post-Albion German intervention in the Finnish Civil War of 1919. Albion is a combined naval-air-land campaign. more info
Strategy & Tactics Issue #342 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #342 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

Carolingian Twilight: Decline of an Empire AD814 is a two to six-player game covering the decline of the Carolingian Empire following the death of Charlemagne (Charles the Great) in AD 814. The Salic Law of the Franks required that at a man’s death, his property was divided among all his sons, which led to civil wars among Charlemagne’s descendants when the inheritance in question was the Empire itself. From the various wills, wars and treaties dividing and redistributing the Empire during the 800s, emerged the nuclei of the modern states of France, Germany, and Italy. more info
Strategy & Tactics Issue #341 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #341 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

Return to Europe: Sicily & Italy JulyNov 1943 is a two-player sequel to Desert Fox Deluxe covering the Allied invasion of Sicily and southern Italy. The operation was viewed as only a limited offensive to secure the Mediterranean and force Italy out of the war. The Germans also intended only a limited effort to delay the Allies while a strong defense was established at the far north of the peninsula. Both sides scented greater possibilities in the early going and were drawn into what would become a grueling and expensive campaign. more info
Strategy & Tactics Issue #340 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #340 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

French and Indian War Battles is two player grand tactical system for simulating battles in North America during the French & Indian War (1754-60). While these battles often involved small armies for the era, they decided the fate of the continent. This game includes three scenarios; Lake George (Sep 1755), Fort Oswego (Aug 1756), and Quebec (Sep 1759). more info
Strategy & Tactics Issue #339 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #339 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

Saddam Moves South is an operational level two player wargame covering a hypothetical Iraqi invasion of Saudi Arabia in 1990. The assumption here is that after the Iraqi army overran Kuwait in the first week of August 1990, Saddam Hussein continued the offensive to grab the vital oilfields of Saudi Arabia. In response, the United States leads a coalition of states to stop the Iraqis and then retake lost territories. The game system is based on that of Desert One War, which models ground, air and amphibious operations. For the Coalition, the central game system is Air Transport Points (ATP) which represent strategic airlift capability. Each hex on the map represents 35 kilometers from side to side. Each turn of play represents anything from three days of intense combat to ten days of refitting. Ground units represent regiments, brigades, divisions, and groups of irregulars. Special operations forces (SOF) represent unconventional warfare activities. Aircraft units represent anything from one to four squadrons, depending on the quality of air force and operational tempo. more info
Strategy & Tactics Issue #338 - Game Only
Strategy & Tactics Issue #338 - Game Only
Price: $40.00

Russian Boots South: Conquest of Central Asia: The game system is based on the previously published S&T games: They Died with Their Boots On, Volumes 1 & 2, Julian, and Sepoy Mutiny. Russian Boots is a two-player wargame simulating the Russian conquest of Central Asia during the 1850s to 1890s. There are two opposing players: Russian Empire and Khanates. The Russian Empire player represents the theater command of an autocratic empire. The Khanate player represents the various independent kingdoms and tribes of the region, with the possibility of intervention from forces on the periphery. Victory conditions are asymmetrical, with the Russians trying to conquer Central Asia and the Khanates trying to prevent this. more info